1. You may not distribute, sell, reverse engineer, modify, decompile, deobfuscate, dump, or unarchive the Konas Installer, Mod, and any other Konas binaries provided without explicit permission from Darki. You may not attempt to remove Konas's DRM or bypass any other security measures. Doing any of these activities will result in a permanent ban from the Discord and deletion of your KonasClient.com account.
2. Any unauthorized Refunds or Chargebacks will also result in deletion of your KonasClient.com account.
3. You may not share or transfer your KonasClient account with/to any other people.
4. You may share konas license keys (not registered accounts) and host your own giveaways with them; however, you can, under no circumstances, resell konas license keys or gain any other sort of profit from distributing them (such as prio queue, nitro, etc.)
The developers of KonasClient reserve the right to delete your KonasClient.com account and ban you from the Konas discord at their own discretion when necessary.